The WAR artifact that I’m deploying to weblogic is a snapshot and is named with the version. In its normal deployment, it can be reached with domain/artifact-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT and thats not really how I want to have it named in source code making reference to it. So, I wanted to find a way to alias that path with a simpler path in the apache httpd.conf file. The following sample code shows a proper way to do this:
Have you rooted and modified your Android phone? Are the vendor-pushed updates getting annoying? Follow this guide to silence those updates and be in control of your own upgrades:
Step 0: Be root.
$ su
Step 1: Mount the /system folder as read/write.
$ mount -o remount,rw /system
Step 2: Create an unwanted apps folder.
$ cd /system
$ mkdir app_hell
Step 3: Move the unwanted app (In this case, we’re moving the firmware upgrade app).